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Comparative report

Comparative report is what makes comparison of two files especially effective. You can easily bring comparison details to simple or advanced structured report. 
Report allows you to communicate easily with your co-workers and share your knowledge. 

Comparative report makes comparison of two files especially effective. You can easily bring comparison details to simple or advanced structured report. 


Report allows you to communicate easily with your co-workers and share your knowledge. People who may be together working on a case must share information about this case and changes that may affect their work.

Generate comparative report with Compare PDF Generate comparative report with Compare PDF. Read more...


Benefits of using reports in Compare PDF

  • Collaboration mean. With Compare PDF reporting you can share comparative report with your co-worker,  make some comments by editing comparative report, put a comparative report to your archive. Read more...

  • Automation mean. Compare PDF reporting can be used to automate comparison task. You can run Compare PDF from any application and view the results of comparison as a .htm report file. Running Compare PDF with command line. Read more... 

Reports' Structures

Other features

File comparison compares any to any file, including, popular office formats: MS Word, Excel, PDF, Web Pages. Read more...

By keywords comparison allows to compare non-related documents with different structure. Read more...

Compare two folders feature lets to  find changes that were made in two folders and containing files. Read more...

Command line allows to automate compare and integrate Compare PDF with other software products. Read more...



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